

Sept/Oct is that time of year when spiders appear in every corner of the house. With a heavy heart I find myself hoovering up whole families – mother and babies (100+). I love spiders but we can’t just have them multiplying exponentially no matter how many flies they catch. I imagine their demise is one of terror followed by a great sickness as they spin around and around in the Dyson cylinder. RIP spiders. 

Rain rain go away


When we moved to Wales, I thought people were overplaying the ‘Wet Wales’ remarks. It turns out they weren’t wrong.  Hardly a day has gone by in the last six months when we haven’t seen some form of rain whether it’s a fine mist that frizzes your hair, or torrential downpours that leave the river USK bursting at its banks.  It’s so bad, I’ve resorted to doing my own anti-rain dance.

rain dance

Cotton mouth


Today I did a brief presentation to a small group of people. I knew most of them and was talking about a subject I was very familiar with.  I should mention that presenting is something I’m pretty comfortable with – for the most part.   I’ll admit I get a bit nervous before getting up to speak, but I usually manage to shake it off in the introductions. However, for some unknown reason, today I was caught completely off guard by a severe case of ‘cotton mouth’.

It was full on lips-stuck-to-gums, cheeks-stuck-to-teeth, tongue-turned-to-sandpaper, cotton mouth.  I don’t know if you’ve experienced this before, but once you notice the onset, unless you have water to hand, things very quickly go from bad to worse.    I felt like a crazed chimpanzee with bared gums, clicking like an African tribesman and choking on my own tongue.   Thank God for the brief interlude when a glass of water was handed to me and I felt my tongue revive like a piece of dried seaweed coming to life in the incoming tide. COTTON MOUTH copy.jpg

Working from home


I have the pleasure of working from home for a couple of days this week.  I’m relaxed, I have an endless supply of coffee, food and everything I need to carry out a productive day’s work.  Once in a while it’s a treat not to be distracted by office chit chat. I can focus on my work. We’ll just pretend I didn’t just get distracted for 5 minutes to post a blog item (it is lunchtime after all). However, I thought I would re-share a cartoon from 2012 when I’d been working from home for three years – the novelty soon wears off.  home-working


Morning palaver


We are notorious for losing keys, getting locked out of our house, getting locked IN the house (it’s true), and generally having poor key management.  We haven’t had a crises for a while and thought we’d sussed it, but it seems we never learn.

Hmmm…it’s been a while since I’ve drawn a full series of panels!
